HI ladies,
After a couple of weeks silence am back wiser and more energetic to discuss handbags with you.
I have so much to say I can hardly contain myself. So if you feel like am just going on and on please understand an excited gal.
I love handbags and I can’t believe the choice that this season has to offer. From colours, patterns shapes and even styles. It’s no secret that a handbag is that one accessory that can make or break an outfit. You can be wearing this gorgeous outfit but a wrong choice of handbag moves you from elegant to just another passing lady. It’s with that in mind that I really take time to study the trends and get to know what’s trending and what’s not. I do not follow trends religiously but one thing I do is take on what’s in fashion and personalise it.
Sumer 2011 is just exciting in terms of handbags prints. Here is what I have observed:
Animal prints- Some designers came up with some really beautiful animal print handbags and that set the mood for a comeback of the animal prints. I have to say that these are not for everyone and many people tend to shy away from them. However if you do own one, then this is the time to dust it and flaunt it. . And if you have been thinking of getting one why not look around and see what’s in the market. The great thing is you can get a fabric animal print bag at a decent price. Also animal prints tend to go with almost anything. But please don’t wear animal print and carry an animal prints handbag, too much of it has an opposite effect!
Floral prints-At the onset of spring floral prints became a huge trend in clothes and this translated into handbags. They bring freshness to an outfit when matched right. This is a perfect move from the blacks and browns that we are so fond of. When picking a floral pattern handbag ensure that the detail on the handbag is kept to a minimum to ensure that the pattern is the main focus. Subtle colours such as pink, peach, sky blue, lime etc are perfect in floral patterns.
Tribal print: My favourite this season, it’s a MUST have according to me. It’s a print having very deep graphic prints combined with the warm earth tones and natural accents e.g. a dress with a black undertone with white, orange and red patterns. The patterns have to be big. On handbags this look is simply gorgeous. The tribal print draws inspiration from the Sahara desert and African prints combined with eastern tones. If you Google “tribal print handbags” am sure you will love what you see.
Colour blocking is still trending. Moving on from spring this trend is a bold statement in handbags. This is one of those trends that look so simple yet has potential to be a disaster. May people assume that colour blocking means you can wear any colours together, which isn’t correct. If looking for a handbag that is colour blocked remember 3 is the ideal number of colours to have and also keep the colours to the same family of colours. Google this “Yves Saint Laurent Lucky Chyc Color-Block Tote” and see how beautiful colour blocking can be. Or check out this link but don’t look at the price tag… http://www.net-a-porter.com/product/105891
Mono coloured style is the traditional style that will always be in season I suppose. This is where you carry a handbag that’s just one colour. You could go for the traditional summer white, black or chocolate brown. You could also go for the bold rainbow colours.
Its time to select your favourite trend and carry it boldly.
Looking forward to hearing from you.