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Saturday, 9 November 2013


This week a customer wanted to buy this dress:

However she was attending a women's meeting and she felt that the deep v-neck was not appropriate.
She really loved the dress and the deal breaker was the v-neck.

We discussed her options including buying another dress for the meeting and then come back for this particular dress at a later date but because her mind had locked on this particular dress she just couldn't be convinced.

And as she was just about to give up, i remembered we have bodysuits :-)

And that sorted our problem!!!!

Bodysuits are great pieces of underwear to have in your drawer.
They come in handy when you need to add sleeves to a sleeveless dress or to wear underneath a sheer top or when you have a jacket/dress that had a deep neck cut.

Don't forget about these handy little garments they could come in handy some day.

Have a lovely weekend.


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